Red Devils ready to storm the charts 

RBFA and ING launch European Championship song and video clip Wunderbar 

A European Championship song doesn't get more wonderful than that! 1,500 musical Red Devils fans sang and played from the roof of the ING Arena, ensuring that the Devils went to Germany with a banger of a European Championship song. The RBFA releases the single Wunderbar today, and immediately launches the video clip. Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift and Beyonce know what time it is: the Red Devils are taking over the charts! 😉  

The RBFA and ING looked for – and found – 1,500 musical Red Devils fans, the crème de la musical crème of the black-yellow-red legion of supporters. They brought the singers and musicians together on May 5 in the ING Arena, where the European Championship song was recorded. 150 drummers set the rhythm, 150 singers sang heartily, 150 bassists and guitarists provided the music, 1,000 supporters provided the atmosphere, and 50 whistlers provided the finishing touch. The country's largest music band put in a brilliant performance, and the result can be listened to and admired from today. 

The single will be released at Universal Music Belgium and is available on all streaming platforms. 

“There is a word in German, and I think it says it all: Wunderbar! We cannot summarise the recordings better than the opener of the European Championship song itself. A fantastic day, with a phenomenal result. The kick-off of the football summer has now been given, and our ambition is to score twice: on the radio and on the field. Bring on the European Championship!” 

– Manu Leroy, Director of Marketing and Communications RBFA 

Unique cover and vinyl record 

The European Championship song will be released in a limited edition on a 12-inch vinyl record, with a special cover. Inside are the names of the 1,500 artists. 

Anyone who wants to win a record can participate in a competition via this link. ​ ​ 

Wunderbar Band performance 

The Wunderbar Band's performance will be continued. On Saturday 8 June, the band will play the European Championship song in a slimmed-down version live in the King Baudouin Stadium: during half-time and after the farewell match against Luxembourg. The band performs the song on the field but counts on the fans in the stadium to really blow the Red Devils away. 

There are still tickets vailable for this match. 

Wunderbar Playlist ​ 

As the ultimate Red Devils song, Wunderbar is also immediately certain of a place in the Wunderbar Playlist. For the 23 other places in the playlist, it is still exciting, and ING appeals to the supporters. Each Red Devils forwarded their top three, the fans decide for each player which song makes it to the playlist. ​

Voting for the Wunderbar Playlist is still possible until 3 June via this link. ​

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About Royal Belgian Football Association

The Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) was founded in 1895 and is the official representative of Belgian football.  Our mission is the administrative and sporting organisation of Belgian football.  We are set up as a non profit association. 


480 Rue de Bruxelles, 1480 Tubize
