Pascale Van Damme appointed RBFA president for two years 

The RBFA board of directors has unanimously appointed Pascale Van Damme as president. Van Damme has been president for more than a year and was the only candidate for the mandate. CEO Piet Vandendriessche, the regional football federations Voetbal Vlaanderen and ACFF, the Pro League, and the members of the RBFA board of directors are looking forward to further cooperation. ​  

"The appointment of Pascale Van Damme as president is a choice for stability, professionalism and teamwork. I look forward to continuing the good work in the coming years and growing Belgian football at all levels. Our role is not only to let the biggest football stars excel, but also to let the more than 560,000 members enjoy their sport. Let's continue to work on that together!"  

– Piet Vandendriessche, CEO RBFA ​  

Pascale Van Damme joined the RBFA board of directors on 5 June 2021. On 22 May 2023 - after the previous president's resignation – she was appointed president. Today starts the next chapter: a two-year term of office. ​ ​ 

Over the past year, Pascale Van Damme has worked intensively with the members of the board, appointed Piet Vandendriessche as CEO, made many national and international contacts, and promoted the BNG candidacy for the 2027 Women's Football World Cup. Although the Women’s World Cup is not coming to Europe, the BNG campaign strengthened the RBFA’s position with UEFA, FIFA and football associations worldwide, and increased international recognition for Belgian football. ​ ​ 

Pascale Van Damme plans to continue the work in the coming years to further raise the profile of Belgian football. She will give a particular focus to projects close to her heart, such as the further development of women's football, digitalisation, and international relations. She also wants to work with the members of the board to further play out the social role of the RBFA, and to help make the RBFA structurally sound financially. ​ ​ 

"Pascale Van Damme took charge of the RBFA in difficult circumstances. She has provided calm and stability at the top of our federation. Many challenges await us in the coming years. I am confident that, with Pascale Van Damme at the helm, we will bring them to a successful conclusion."  

– Jorg Keldermans, president Voetbal Vlaanderen  

 "The ACFF congratulates Pascale Van Damme on the renewal of her mandate as president of the RBFA, proof of her positive investment within the national board of directors. Ms Van Damme has also responded to various requests from the ACFF, recognising the importance of amateur football and the divisions in the development of national football. It is important that we continue to work in perfect harmony, to dialogue and to understand each other to face the challenges that await football in general and amateur football in particular".  

– ​ David Delferière, president ACFF  

“From the Pro League, we congratulate Ms Pascale Van Damme on her election as president. We look forward to continuing to work together in the coming years for a strong Belgian football, from the grassroots to the top of the pyramid."  

– Bart De Smet, president Pro League

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About Royal Belgian Football Association

The Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) was founded in 1895 and is the official representative of Belgian football.  Our mission is the administrative and sporting organisation of Belgian football.  We are set up as a non profit association. 


480 Rue de Bruxelles, 1480 Tubize
